Abstract submission

AfSAI Research Conference 2024
Venue: University College Dublin, Ireland
Date: 8-9 Nov 2024

Conference Theme: Multidisciplinary strategies for Sustainability in Africa

We are eager to receive abstracts that relate to the theme and four sub-themes of the conference regarded as the four pillars of sustainability:

  1. Human Sustainability in Africa; include but not limited to public health, healthcare innovation, education, skill development, nutrition, food security, gender equality, women’s health, etc.
  2. Social Sustainability in Africa: includes but not limited poverty reduction, economic inclusion, youth empowerment and employment, community health, etc 
  3. Economic Sustainability in Africa: includes but not limited to; entrepreneurship, green economy, engineering, data sciences, blockchain, etc.
  4. Environmental Sustainability in Africa: includes but not limited to: climate change, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, water resource management, etc.
  1. Any topic relevant to the themes or sub-themes of the conference are welcome.

  2. Submission includes a title, abstract of 300 words and 5-6 keywords.
  3. All submissions will be subject to double-blind peer review.
  4. Your abstract should contain information relating to the research project, aims/objectives, methods, findings, and contribution to the themes (but please write without headings).
  5. Submission is online via AfSAI website and closes on the 10th October 2024
    Click here to submit abstract
  6. Results of the peer review will be communicated to the authors on or before the 24th Oct 2024
  7. The conference programme will be available online at the end of October
  1. The research problem/aim/question is clearly articulated.
  2. The methodology to address this is described (where relevant)
  3. Findings and contribution are indicated.
  4. Relevance to the conference theme(s)

An abstract can be submitted for presentation at the conference as one of the following categories:

Paper Presentations

  1. Oral presentation of papers are 10 minutes plus 5 minutes for Q&A
  2. Authors whose abstract are accepted must submit their audiovisual presentation (if applicable) from 26th to 28th October 2024

Poster Presentations

  1. Posters can be any size or format of a type to be assembled and displayed independently by the presenter.
  2. Selected posters will be invited for display on the AfSAI website following the event.

Prizes will be awarded to the three most:

1.  innovative

2.  original

3. informative posters.

Submit your abstract here

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